
Car looper
Car looper

car looper

The US suffers from hyper-inflation of the dollar, rampant drug use, roving bands of violent vagrants, loads and loads and loads of shantytowns, and criminal syndicates controlling entire cities, though Europe and Asia are at least implied to be better off.

  • Bad Future: The "present" of 2044 is a Crapsack World.
  • And if the world of 2074 is any indication, it apparently stuck with everyone.
  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Most Loopers (Young Joe included) seem to be riding on a 20th Century nostalgia fad with their neckties and other "past" fashions.

    Though as the movie progresses, it's made clear that Kid Blue is the resident fuck-up.


  • Artistic License – Gun Safety: Kid Blue juggles his loaded revolver right in Joe's face, and you can even see he almost drops it.
  • Anticlimax: When Old Joe goes for Abe, who is entrenched in his room, the scene cuts away right before the shootout commences.
  • car looper

    The US economy has fallen apart, so older cars (retrofitted with some sort of battery or energy unit hooked up to their gas tanks from the outside) may be all that's available to the proletariat. Also, those are clearly 2000s and 2010s model cars that are seen in 2044.

  • Anachronism Stew: While being set in the future, the common shotgun is styled like a blunderbuss and the clothes mimic previous fashions.
  • Outside of that range, they're ineffective.
  • Always Accurate Attack: Loopers use a Short-Range Shotgun that is virtually impossible to miss with when the target is within 15 yards.
  • car looper

  • Aliens in Cardiff: A hardboiled, time-traveling hitman tale set in.
  • You can clearly see Cid suppressing a giggle.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Cid tells Joe he wants a blunderbuss just like his, and Joe replies by asking if he's gonna pole-vault with it because it's bigger than him.
  • Older Joe easily subdues Young Joe and embarks on his own agenda in the past - and he will not let anyone stand in his way.


    The problem is that when his future self does appear, he does so of his own free will, unbound and ready to fight. Joe is one such Looper, and like all Loopers he has accepted the job knowing that if he's still alive in 2074, his employers will terminate his contract by sending his future self back to die at his own hands ("closing the loop"). Because it is nearly impossible to discreetly dispose of a body in 2074 (due to advanced tracking and tagging technologies), the criminals send the target back in time, whereupon an assassin (called a "Looper") kills and disposes of the helpless victim before he technically ever existed. The technology is immediately outlawed, but the world's high-profile criminal syndicates begin putting it to practical use in secret. The movie is set in the year 2044, thirty years before the invention of time travel. We strive for 100% satisfaction and consider our customers to be part of the Boomerang family.Looper is a 2012 American Science Fiction thriller film written and directed by Rian Johnson, in which Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a man named Joseph Simmons, and Bruce Willis plays a future version of Joe. Alex Kova wants you to have the best user experience possible while giving great customer service. The company has been relocated to Southern California where it’s run my Mr. Alex’s vision is to keep Boomerang's legacy alive for generations to come and grow the company by expanding the line with future products. Alex Kova is an experienced Rang™ III user and accomplished musician for over 30 years. Mike Nelson and Lee Hardesty were the founders and owners of Boomerang from 1995 until they sold the company to Alex Kova in 2017. Now more than 25 years later, the Boomerang Phrase Sampler models are considered the premiere loopers in the music industry and used by rock stars all over the world such as Ed Sheeran and KT Tunstall. With the assistance of Mike’s friend Lee Hardesty they created the first one. After scouring the market for a quality looping device in 1989 and coming up empty handed, Mr.

    car looper

    The idea for the Boomerang® Phrase Sampler came from Mike Nelson. Boomerang Looper LLC was founded in 1995 and is the first instrument looper ever made.

    Car looper